The Hearth Sanctuary

A gathering place in the Blue Ridge Mountains, owned and operated by Cheryl Conner. The Hearth Sanctuary has 2 private lodging spaces, as well as indoor and outdoor event rental spaces. The Hearth Sanctuary strives to be a gathering place for artists, writers, musicians, poets, and those dedicated to Spirit-led living. At the Hearth Sanctuary we hold a vision for a future built on interdependent community, utilizing the arts for transformation, and earth-centered living. Visit our website for more information on lodging, hosting an event, our events, classes, workshops, to get involved, and more!






Harmonize America

The idea for Harmonize America had been surfacing for a few years, as we attended rallies, community events and festivals in which people talked and cheered, but didn’t sing. Why weren’t we singing together? Didn’t we have songs in common to share? Where was the body of songs which could be called “ours” as Americans? Had people lost the love of singing? Singing was a regular feature of my family gatherings as a child, and I knew its powerful, unifying  and uplifting force.

The documentary “The Singing Revolution” sparked this idea again, because of its inspiring story of how the Estonian people’s musical culture unites them, in times of joy and times of challenge. All year, people of all ages learn a common body of songs in schools and churches around the country. Then, in semi-annual summer gatherings, thousands throng to sing this powerful music together. In a dramatic moment in the film, we see an invasion by foreign troops attempting to occupy an Estonia hill. The people miraculously joined together by the thousands, and united arm in arm, singing these same songs, created a powerful coherent wall, which protected their land from capture. It’s a fabulous movie. Please watch it! Why not help cultivate such a culture in our country

In 2016, Presidential campaign rallies and recent marches across America have featured occasional song-singing. But, many folks have said to me, “why aren’t we singing songs of America and songs of unity?” Another said, “we tried to sing, but we realized we didn’t know songs in common, let alone, the words to multiple verses.”

The American Choral Culture. We have many people who already love to sing and lead and promote singing.  There are thousands of school, church and temple, community, specialty and professional choruses around America. Many people sing together at holidays and celebrations. Casual singing rises up in bars, Grange halls, living rooms and potlucks. The diversity is truly amazing.We want to include everyone. Those who don’t think they sing well and those who would like to learn.

What if America launched an initiative to catalyze a strong culture of singing, to unite us in these challenging times?  Bringing Americans together, across difference, age, party and class can bring strength to our souls and to the Soul of America. Please join us!

Our Vision

Americans singing together joyfully, in all 50 states and in tens of thousands of communities, in small groups and Super Bowl stadiums, dissolving differences, finding common ground, building inspiration, and creating a song culture which energizes American ideals of freedom, peace, justice and unity. Americans, of every kind, feel healthy and happy, in community and happy to be American.

Our Mission

Healing the souls of Americans and America by catalyzing a nation-wide network of singing, using existing choruses, creating new ones, building community alliances, and supporting the sharing of a culture of old and new songs which support American ideals of freedom, justice, peace and unity. Creating Mass Singing Rallies of thousands of singers which are Exhilarating! Utilize this digital age for sharing music and networking resources, displaying photos and videos of community sing-alongs and events, and encouraging rural and homebound people to join in online singing events.

Who We Are

We are Americans who love: singing, community, democracy, America, and our beautiful planet.

We are inspired by the people of Estonia and their Singing Revolution.

We pray that our singing will bring harmony in every heart, community, and state in this Nation.

We invite you to join us.

Why Get Involved with Harmonize America?

Americans singing together makes America stronger!

Americans singing regularly at the local level builds community.

Many communities singing together en masse fires up inspiration for democracy.

People singing for Peace, Justice, and Unity reminds us what America is all about and energizes democratic participation.

The Music of the Declaration of Independence

Composed by Cheryl Conner

Performed by Members of the Tanglewood Festival Chorus in Lennox Massachusetts

Our Song: Declaration of Independence Chorale Part 1

Our Song: Declaration of Independence Chorale Part 2

Our song: Declaration of Independence Part 3